Welcome to December's Soul Broadcast!
Our collective intention is to share with you topics and information relevant to current energies, the Healing Arts, tools and modalities, and whatever our Souls are wishing to share with you every month.
This month's theme is The Spirit of Magic(k).
We hope you love and find this monthly offering helpful, and a great resource in your own healing journey.
Thank you for tuning into your hearts and our collective Soul space.
The Spirit of Magic
by Mandee Elam
(Medicine Woman of the Soul/Co-Founder and GIC at Sea Goddess Healing Arts)

I don't believe you can have magic without faith. Magic is straight up a spirit and a mysterious force. In order for it to happen, you have to be open to receiving it and believing in it. We see this the most during the holiday season as a collective. It doesn't really matter what religion you grew up with or if you currently subscribe to one. Magic is an energy you can feel within your heart during the present moment. It's a spirit that moves through us, typically with the hope of kindness, the energy of love and the feeling of healing.
To be inspired, is to be living with spirit. It's allowing our heart to lead, trusting intuition, and having faith in the universe, our ancestors, and angels. For magic to work, trust is key. I encourage you to play around with the spirit of magic this season. See what you witness. Watch miracles happen before you for others and for yourself. Listen to the pulls from your heart when it requests you to do something on behalf of someone else or the Earth. Feel and see the beauty of the energy afterwards.
A miracle is a shift in perception. I've been honored to witness many miracles. They leave me breathless almost every time. Watching a human understand something differently, receive a gift, or enjoy a moment of love or peace, is priceless. It leaves your heart and your vessel feeling brighter and more pure. So the spirit of magic, it's an energy thing and only works if we're open to believing in it.
As always, if you'd like to hold soul space with me, I would be honored.
Please use the coupon "Mandeelive" for 50% off any session with me.
Wishing you all a beautiful holiday season!
Looking UP in Awe and Wonder
Inner Winter
by Ursula Duffy
(Co-Founder and GOO at Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Professional Astrologer and Certified Aromatherapist/Founder, Ursa Alchemy)

This is my favorite time of the year. As soon as the Autumn crisp is in the air, the nights grow longer and the cooler weather really sets in, I come more alive. I know relative to most, I’m in a minority here. I LOVE the long nights, the stillness of the Autumn and Winter months, the cold and snow! To me, the vibe of this time of the year is the Spirit of Magic(k). The darkness offers us so much potential and opportunity to go within and honor our own inner Winter. Longer nights mean to me, more time to stargaze, to look UP in awe and wonder, reflect with the Moon and get deep rest, more sleep and watch more Sunrises. The use of light increases more as well with candles, gentle lamp lighting, string lights and cozy
fireplace fires.
Whether one celebrates the “holiday season” or not, the energy of gratitude, benevolence, generosity and warmth is present. The return of the light comes with the Winter Solstice. Another calendar year begins on January 1st. We all have the opportunity to tap into the energy, the magick and the Spirit in the stillness.
Astrologically, one thing that will increase the opportunity to go within this season is a 4th 2023 Mercury Retrograde! We are already in the pre-shadow period and the Retrograde will be from December 13th (the day after the Sagittarius New Moon) until January 1st (ET). The Retrogrades have begun changing elements as well with this one, from Earth to Fire, so the vibe will be different and they will be occurring in different parts of everyone's charts relative to the last 1 - 2 years. The last time the Mercury Retrogrades shifted from Earth to Fire was in 2017. Mercury is the Magician of all the planets, so use this time wisely! Reflect back to 2017 and ponder what may have changed in your mindset, perspective, communication and connection to Spirit and Magick. I'll be covering it in more detail in our lives and in my podcast.

I'm extending my natal chart reading coupon through the end of December.
Use code ECLIPSESG to save $44 on a 60-Minute Birth Day Sky Astrology reading with me! Expires at the end of December.
Happy Birthday Sagittarius & Capricorn!
Have you ever had a Solar Return Astrology Reading?
It provides an in-depth forecast of the energy and themes of your
personal year ahead.
Use coupon code SOLARRETURN to save $20 on the Sun's Return Reading!
With Spirit and Magick,

Journaling with Tarot for Gratitude
by Lexi Duquette
(Mermaid in the Mountains)

Please continue to enjoy Lexi's guide to deepen your practice and tap into the power of the Tarot with a specific gratitude spread.

The Spirit Of Magic Survives Another Holiday Season
by Jess Himmel
(Modern Day Mary Poppins, Intuitive Artist (Orgone Original Works) & Energy Reader/Medium)

Many of you may know that in addition to working with Sea Goddess Healing Arts, I am a nanny...a modern day Mary Poppins I like to say. Mary Poppins was always there for me as a child with her Magic, and continues to be as an adult. I've been doing my best to bring her spirit to the children, through me, for 17 years now. The Christmas and Holiday Season is always an extra Magical time of year with them. It truly encapsulates the Spirit Of Magic.
This quick story is a perfect example. On the Monday after Thanksgiving, as I was driving 3 brothers ages 10, 9, and 7 to school, this conversation happened:
Me- Well guys now that Thanksgiving has passed, I guess the Christmas Season is starting.
9 yr old- Jessica, did you know that some kids in my grade don't believe in Santa?
Me- WHAAAAAT??? Really?
9 yr old- Yeah really.
10 yr old- Yeah mine too.
Me- Wow, I'm surprised!
7 yr old- We know Santa is real because you know him! He always gives you stuff for us and you've seen him!
Me- Well no, I've never seen him. I just know that he's real. I find the gifts he leaves for the children I look after, with a note asking for help lightening his sleigh. I believe that the note and gifts are from him, and so who am I to ever say no to SANTA!
All 3- I wouldn't! Not me! Etc.
Me- I think that as long as people believe in him, he's real. Think about The Polar Express story (their favorite) and the ending. How the adults couldn't hear the jingle bell, but the boy who had grown up and still believes, CAN. It will be up to you boys whether or not you will be one of the grown ups who can hear his jingle bells, like me...or not...ya know?
7 yr old- I AM!!!
9 yr old- I definitely am! I don't care what other kids think!
10 yr old- Me too.
Me- Really I feel bad for people who don't believe in Santa or in Magic.
10 yr old- You believe in Magic?
7 yr old- Yeah, Santa counts as Magic!
Me- He most certainly does. Think about it, how boring would life be without at least a little Magic!
9 yr old- Yeah seriously.
7 yr old- YEAH!
We then are pulling into the school parking lot and getting ready for drop off. As they are gathering up their things, I say, "I hope you all have a great day at school, and I'm sure Santa is knowing about this conversation already so that's probably some points towards the nice list right?"
Then, the 7 yr old yells out, "DON'T WORRY SANTA, WE BELIEVE IN YOU!" The other two then yell out, "YEAH!" as they are getting out of the car and they all happily walk into the school together.
This particular conversation will probably stick with me for a long time. The innocence, the enthusiasm, the belief in Magic being a logical conclusion for them. I feel like it is important to preserve these things. I'm including a few songs that really represent the Spirit Of Magic for me throughout my life, especially during the Holiday and Christmas Seasons.
The first is- Ring Out, Solstice Bells by Jethro Tull
The 2nd is- I Believe In Father Christmas by Greg Lake
The 3rd is- Little Drummer Boy, performed by Tori Amos
The 4th is- The Wexford Carol, performed by Yo-Yo MA & Allison Krauss
I'd love for you to have a listen, these songs are very close to my heart and I share them from my heart to yours this Magical Season. In expression of appreciation for all of you, I'm continuing the Custom Personal Orgonite Dragon offering through December and have a 20% off coupon code for 60 min Personal Oracle/Energy Readings with me JESSGRATITUDE for use at checkout.
Thank you all so much for your support of Sea Goddess Healing Arts!
Below are some examples of the growing Dragon Family and Pricing.

Custom Personal Soul Dragons are $65 including shipping inside the Continental US (International shipping is individually calculated).
Please allow up to 10 business days for creation and shipping (inside US).
We're offering special savings on our new merch shop for the holiday season!
We have hoodies and long sleeve T-shirts for the cooler weather months.
Adorn yourself or a loved one with our beautiful, mesmerizing logos!
Use coupon code SGHOLIDAY to save 10% on your order.
Note: You will be required to create an account to use the coupon.

Early Snowbird rate expires on December 21st.
Soul Garden Members save 20%.
$111 savings!
We hope you've enjoyed this month's theme and all of our contributions. Wishing you a December filled with the Spirit of Magic(k)!
Thank you for being here with us!
With Love, Light & Gratitude,
Mandee, Ursula, Lexi and Jess
